Motor Control Units

Electrifies traction and supplementary applications with 6-phase and 3-phase motors

Electrifies traction and supplementary applications with
6-phase and 3-phase motors

LV Dual app.png

400V Dual-Inverter

Available output power ratings

2x 180 kVA peak / 2x 90 kVA cont.
2x 100 kVA peak / 2x 50 kVA cont.

Technical specs

Output current

  • 2x 450 Arms peak / 2x 240 Arms cont.

  • 2x 260 Arms peak / 2x 130 Arms cont.

Input voltage range 190-450 V

Efficiency 98%

Liquid cooling

Dimensions 368*342*157.2 mm; 20 L; 16 kg


Dual inverter for full hybrid application

400V Dual Inverter for Hybrid

Available output power ratings

TM 180 kVA peak / 90 kVA cont.
GM 140 kVA peak / 65 kVA cont.

TM - Traction Motor, GM - Generation Motor

Technical specs

Output current

  • TM 510 Arms peak / 240 Arms cont.

  • GM 350 Arms peak / 166 Arms cont.

Input voltage range 210-450 V

Efficiency 99%

Liquid cooling

Dimensions 422*222*136 mm; 7,4L; 10,3 kg

Electrifies traction and supplementary applications with 3-phase motors

Electrifies traction and supplementary applications with
3-phase motors

LV sin app.png

400V Single Inverter

Available output power ratings

180 kVA peak / 90 kVA cont.
100 kVA peak / 50 kVA cont.

Technical specs

Output current

  • 450 Arms peak / 240 Arms cont.

  • 260 Arms peak / 130 Arms cont.

Input voltage range 190-450 V

Efficiency 98%

Liquid cooling

Dimensions 301.5*297*99 mm; 8,9 L; 10 kg


Electrifies traction and supplementary applications with
3-phase motors

HV App.png

800V Inverter for Heavy Duty

Available output power ratings

700 kVA peak / 470 kVA cont

Technical specs

Output current

900 Arms peak / 600 Arms cont.

Input voltage range 660 - 850 V

Efficiency 98%

Liquid cooling

Dimensions 430*395.6*139.5 mm; 25.45 kg

Electrifies traction and supplementary applications with 3-phase motors

Electrifies traction and supplementary applications with
3-phase motors

HV App.png

800V Single Inverter

Available output power ratings

200 kVA peak / 135 kVA cont.

Technical specs

Output current

300 Arms peak / 200 Arms cont.

Input voltage range 260 - 850 V

Efficiency 98%

Liquid cooling

Dimensions 301.5*297*97,5 mm; 8,73 L; 8 kg