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Leadrive Technology Receives Carbon Footprint Certification
CO2 certification

Leadrive Technology Earns ISO/SAE 21434 Certification for Automotive Cybersecurity
Volvo Cars Tech Fund invests in power electronics start-up Leadrive

LEADRIVE presented at Sino-German Engineering Alumni Conference

LEADRIVE’s New Motor Control Unit Mass Production Launch

HIGHLIGHTs - 1st joint SiC eAxle with SAIC Volkswagen

1st joint SiC eAxle with SAIC Volkswagen
1st joint SiC 3-in-1 eAxle with SAIC Volkwagen and LEADRIVE incereasing the vehicle range of the Volkswagen ID 4X Model by at least 4.5%.

LEADRIVE and SCHAEFFLER join strategic cooperation
Leadrive and Schaeffler signed strategic cooperation agreement on December 16th, 2021 in Shanghai to cooperate in electric mobility.

We successfully attended Aachen Colloquium and Dritev Bonn 2021

Functional Safety - ISO 26262

ROHM & LEADRIVE listed at YOLE’s SiC Power Devices market & technology report.

Silicon Carbide: Advantages of following the trend
Functional Safety - ISO 26262

SiC at its best! Our conclusion.
SiC at its best! Performance & efficiency tested.

Silicon Carbide Power Module Design Process

Why silicon carbide?

Defining our identity

The Innovation Hub