ROHM & LEADRIVE listed at YOLE’s SiC Power Devices market & technology report.
© Yole Développement
We are thrilled by Yole Développement's latest market & technology report on Silicon Carbide Power Devices for EV applications! ⚡️⚡️⚡️
In our SiC joint research laboratory together with ROHM Semiconductor, we are working on nextGen SiC power module and inverter technologies that blow your mind. 🚀🚀🚀
From DAY 1, LEADRIVE is committed to the acceleration of Silicon Carbide technology into its products. In 2017, we developed the firstGen SiC power module. Our power module design experts have been granted multiple patents and research publications since then.
We are proud to be noticed by top market research institutions like Yole. At LEADRIVE, we are passionate about the things we make, the way they work, and the people who use them.
For reference and more information, we will provide you access to the Abstract and Full Market Research Report by Yole Développement below.